Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

The Kite Runner
Khaled Hosseini

"For you, a thousand times over."

"There is only one sin. And that is theft... when you tell a lie, you steal someones right to the truth. Every other sin is a variation of theft."

Done my 13th book of the challenge and I have to tell all my readers that this book was AMAZING. Even though the story is so sad, I have never paid attention this much to a story. I literally couldn't put down the book to do anything. Once I started reading, that is what I did until I finished the novel in three days. I started reading this book without seeing the movie or not knowing anything about the story and I was shocked. I was so speechless after reading the novel, this review might not be the best - I don't know what to write without giving the story away, this is a story that literally everyone (readers and non-readers) has to read!

This has to be one of the most disturbing novels I have read to date. I was shocked in different parts of the novel and almost in tears for most of the book. The story broke my heart and I desperately wanted to find out how everything got resolved (or did it get resolved?) before the ending. The story starts out in the past (pre-war and pre-Taliban Afghanistan) and ends around the time of the Twin Towers in New York collapsing (2001).

There were very many feelings that I felt during myself reading The Kite Runner. It felt like I was part of the story and I was right there in Afghanistan with the characters. Hosseini made the story come to life and I just couldn't help to have all of these feelings. These include:
  • Beauty - the beauty with reality and all of the ugliness that goes along with reality.
  • Love - towards the book and the characters and everything that shouldn't have gone wrong to begin with.
  • Hatred - against what happened, what shouldn't have happened, and at everything that did go wrong.
  • Horror - the viciousness and cruelness that happens within the story, it hurts.
I feel that if I learn from a book, I considerate it highly valuable. Hosseini taught me about the history, language, and geography of Afghanistan, as well as the hobby of kite flying and kite running. The Kite Runner had all of the ingredients needed to create a great story tale and it definitely a read for everyone. Please read and find out what happens in the book (or watch the movie - I have heard that it is just as great)! 

Till the next review! (Why We Broke Up - Daniel Handler)
Rebekka. :)

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